Thursday, 26 November 2015

What every man should know about dating before 25

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What every man should know about dating before 25

Dating in your early 20s is weird. It stops being acceptable to watch a movie in your parents basement, or meet someone who is equally as drunk, loud, and just as really pumped up as you at a party. You actually have to put forth effort if you want to meet new people. Here’s how to date like a MAN.
Read also: Dating dilemmas: Who should make the first move?
1. Open doors. It never hurts to be a gentleman.
2. Gifts don’t suck. No woman is going to stab you in the face for bringing her gift.
3. A fun date is always better than a fancy date.
4. You don’t need to wait three days to call.
5. Ask her about herself.
6. Play it cool. Don’t freak yourself out and start asking her if she’s having fun or if her dinner is good 80 times in an hour.
7. Bring condoms, but don’t be presumptuous.
8. Be straight with her
9. Never send an unsolicited dirty pic.
10. Don’t talk about exes.

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